Case Studies and Testimonials

Mr U and Miss K – Wedding – April 2017

Reviewing and amending a videography contract before the couple enter into the agreement


Mr U and Miss K are due to get married in April 2017. The couple were about to enter into a contract with a well-known videographer. They approached The Wedding Lawyer on 11 February 2017 to have their videography contract scrutinised and approved to ensure their interests were clearly protected and to ensure the terms of the agreement were in their best interests.


Within two hours, a contracts specialist reviewed the contract and suggested at least 5 changes to the contract to ensure the terms of the contract were as fair and transparent as possible. Changes to the contract included ensuring:

  1. Amending fundamental details relating to the booking information
  2. Adjusting the contractual delivery time of the final product to be more favourable to Mr U and Ms K’s requirements.
  3. Ensuring there was a robust mechanism in the contract for dealing with disputes by adding a dispute resolution clause.
  4. Questioning a conflicting clause in the contract and encouraged the Mr U and Miss K to raise this with the videographer.
  5. Reviewed each clause to ensure they were fair and in the best interests of Mr U and Miss K.


“Overall positive experience. The Wedding Lawyer service was really quick to check a big contract and made sure that we were protected by changing some of the terms which were not in our favour” 

Mr S and Miss S – Wedding – September 2017

Reviewing and amending a wedding venue contract


The Wedding Lawyer was contacted by Miss S to review a wedding venue contract worth £17,000 in preparation for her wedding due to take place in September 2017. Miss S was concerned that the contract was vague and lacked some of the important details that she believed should have been included having read a blog on The Wedding Lawyer website.


Within 24 hours, a commercial contracts lawyer reviewed the contract and suggested 10 changes to be made to the contract and provided guidance on another six issues that should be clarified with the venue before signing the contract.


“I was impressed at the attention to detail, speed and depth our lawyer went into when reviewing our contract. I am so glad we approached the team before signing the contract as we would definitely have missed some of the important bits and pieces which should have been included in the contract.” 

Mr and Mrs Vyas

Failure to receive wedding video footage

Before Pranav came into the picture to represent us, we had spent over a year trying to get our wedding and reception party photo’s and videos from our Photographer. There were certainly heated conversations with the Photographer because of the length of time taken to provide the products we had paid for in full. Our Photographer had continued to provide delivery dates and confirmed the products are ready to collect, only to re-schedule or make all the excuses in the world to fail delivery of our goods.

Since Pranav represented us we were able to very quickly retrieve the products 100 x faster. We found the service to be excellent. Pranav quickly gathered all the information and communication we had with the Photographer and went through it all to decide where the contract was breached by our Photographer and kept us in the loop at all times. He drafted the correct letters for taking further action, arranged and chaired meetings, communicated flawlessly as the intermediary and quickly resolved our case without having to go to Court. What took us almost 1.5 years, took Pranav less than 1 month to resolve. 

We found that Pranav:

  • Can communicate effortlessly, especially the options that we have open to us
  • Can establish the clients requirements very quickly
  • Takes action immediately and gets to work on resolving the situation
  • Has a breadth of experience and knows the legalities very well

Strengths of services:

  • Pranav replies to queries in good time
  • Explains in detail, in lay-mans language throughout
  • See’s the whole case through to the end – in our case resolved with all our products in hand

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